

Knowledge is Quantum

About 20 years ago, A Japanese fellow named Ikujiro Nonaka postulated the Knowledge Creation Cycle to answer the question: where does the creation of knowledge happen in organizations?

Knowledge itself is intangible, boundaryless, and dynamic. If it is not used at a specific time in a specific place, it is of no value. The use of […]

By |October 9th, 2015|Blog, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Simplifying Complexity

What is complexity? If you ask the Google, it will give you all sorts of varied answers. The one I like best is Complexity is that which emerges from the fields of order and chaos. How does one define and measure complexity? According to Melanie Mitchell, of the Santa Fe Institute, “There is not yet […]

By |October 2nd, 2015|Blog, Uncategorized|0 Comments

And so it Begins…

Wade Davis, a Canadian Ethnobotanist, wrote The Wayfinders, a CBC Massey Lectures collection of accounts of the cultural nuances of finding one’s path in uncertain territory. In the book he tells the story of Mau, a polynesian boy chosen at birth to become a great wayfinder in his community. Mau dedicates himself to the art […]

By |September 25th, 2015|Blog|0 Comments